Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thanks for a great year!

I can't tell you how much fun I had this school year!  I couldn't have asked for a better pilot year for the 3 year old program!  The kids grew and learned so much!  Enjoy your summer! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Coming to a close

This year has been such a great year!  We have all learned so much!  I was excited when I was hired to teach the new Adventure Preschool for 3's at Parkers Elementary School last year!  I spent so much time planning and preparing the room, trying to anticipate all the details of the year;  where should they put their library books?  Where should they put their learning bags?  What do we do without a bathroom in the room?  (To name just a few) But to my surprise these kids were stars from the beginning!  We learned from each other and built a successful routine in the room.  This has been a year of firsts for all of us!  I look at how much these kids have grown and how much they have learned and I am so proud of each and every one of them!  The end of the year is bittersweet for me!  I am looking forward to the long days of summer, hanging out in the pool, playing with my kids outside but, I am going to miss my "school kids" so much!  They each brought their own uniqueness to the class!  I wish I could keep them all for just one more year! :)  But, they are ready!  They are ready to move on and continue growing  and learning. I wish each of them the very best!  Enjoy your summer!  Remember to keep learning and READ, READ, READ to your children!  

May 28 is the last day of T/H class.
May 29 is the last day of the M/W class.