After a really long break, we are back to school! I was amazed at how well my students made the transition back to school after such a long break! They fell right back into their routines right away! A couple of notes:
There is no school on January 20, this is a workshop day for teachers.
We have a practicum student teacher starting with us on January 13. She is coming to us from Alexandria Technical College! We are excited to have her joining our room!
Watch for book orders! They should be coming home this next week. You can always order online at!
IGDI's assessments are starting this week with Jill. Jill will be assessing your child in rhyming, alliteration, picture naming and letter names.
We are going to be starting math intervention groups this coming week as well. This group will work on shapes and colors as well as rote counting up to 10 and naming numerals 0-5.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!