Who doesn't like blowing bubbles?! It is such a simple pleasure! What's better than blowing one bubble? Blowing TONS of bubbles!! Follow this link to learn how to make bubble snakes!!!
All you need is a sock, a water bottle, and some soap and water and you have the makings for a GREAT summer day!!
Back in her younger days our dog LOVED to chase the bubbles! Here she is going for the high ones! :)
I love to take my microscope that attaches to my ipad when we go exploring! Can you guess what these pictures are?
HINT: These are all things that I am willing to touch! They are not dangerous and they are all found in nature...probably in your own backyard! If you want to know the answers, email me! :)
One of the best things about summer is going out to explore! There are so many things to discover right in your own backyard! Make a nature scavenger hunt! Have your child find different items that are a specific color, size or shape! Talk about the objects that they found. Are they natural items? Are they man-made items? Do they help nature or hurt nature? Use the items you found to create some nature art! You can glue them to a piece of paper or cardboard or use them to make impressions in playdough! We keep a basket on our porch to put the natural treasures that we find on walks or just playing in the yard! We already have a fun collection of items! Give it a try!
Summer Safety: Please go with your child when they are exploring. This is something you can do together! Enjoy the weather and your child!