Saturday, May 21, 2011

Language Development article

I have added a language develpment article from the mayo clinic website.  These are great guidelines for making sure your child is on track.  Remember that these are only guidelines.  Every child develops at his or her own rate.  There are some red flags that you can watch for.  If your infant doesn't have a startle reflex (jump when hear a loud sound) or if you notice that they aren't reacting to sounds or your voice, you should have your child's hearing checked.  If your child is not making sounds or repeating sounds that could be a sign of hearing loss as well.  All infants have their hearing screened at birth and again at their preschool screening and once again at their Kindergarten check-up.  If they have had a lot of ear infections, this could slow their language development.  When these delays are caught early, they can usually be caught up with their peers fairly quickly with early intervention.  If you have any concerns you should consult your doctor or early childhood professional. 

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