Sunday, February 9, 2014

ECFE Re-mix!

We are going to mix it up a bit for ECFE! 

We are going to start with circle time at the beginning of class! We will sing some songs, read stories etc. Then I will introduce the activities that we have for that week! You will then choose an activity to do with your child. There will be 45 minutes of Parent/Child time where you will do one or more of the projects with your child. There may be art, science, books, playdough or other activities set up. After Parent/Child play time, we will go right to snack and parents will go to parent talk time. 
There are a few reasons why we are mixing it up this week. First, I just want to shake it up and try something new. Next, the kids are very reluctant to participate in circle time. The hope is that if they aren't pulled from play time, they will be more apt to sing the songs or sit and listen to a story. Finally, we really want to encourage the parents to try out the projects that are set out. A lot of time and thought are put into these projects and often times they sit untouched. We want to try and spark some excitement and also make directions clear while we are all together. Between mixing this up and some fun activities, we are hoping to bring the spark back to ECFE.

Our schedule will look like this:
5:30-5:45 circle time
5:45-6:30 parent/child time
6:30-7:00 parent talk/snack

1:30-1:45 circle time
1:45-2:30 parent/child time
2:30-3:00 parent talk/snack

9:00-9:15 circle time
9:15-10:00 parent/child time
10:00-1:30 parent talk/snack

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